Call-out to Burlington professionals:

Is The Arterie a home for your practice?

  • Perhaps you’re seeking to shift your (formerly online) private practice toward in-person consultations

  • you’re a subcontractor ready to launch into sole proprietorship

  • Perhaps you’re ready to move into your own self-styled consulting room, having outgrown hybrid / office co-op options

  • do you need to showcase your collections of satisfying toys, transformational reads; set the tone of your session work the right art, maybe art supplies too…

March 2025:

We have rooms opening up amongst a small number of excellent, devoted, intuitive clinicians who all house our practices together. We wish our present occupants could stay, but life calls people elsewhere, too! As we bid adieu, we wonder who will come to fill a cozy and bright consulting room alongside us in our sage coloured bungalow on Guelph Line? 

Maybe you are:

  • a registered psychotherapist, a psychologist, an MD psychotherapist, a social worker (all of these are represented in our collective) ; or RN- / OT- psychotherapist; a mental health professional, y’know ;)

  • a body worker/ holistic professional that works as a sole practitioner

  • a tutor, a coach, a child life specialist with a specialty that works well alongside our family friendly general practice

One room is $1050/mo (avail from March 1st) and the other is $1175/mo (start date negotiable) plus HST/ tax.

There are two additional shared costs that are not included in a lease: 1) supplies/internet (30$/mo) and 2) cleaning (we take turns picking up the monthly ‘tab’ for the cleaning company, which is about 350$, twice a year).

More info:

We are steps from the lake along what was once a foot trail that traced from escarpment to the sparkling horizon, the bay that flows Niagara way. I pull the land and the waters to mind because it must be the abundance of the waters here that bring good flow to this place. No one has lacked for clients amongst the 6 full-time + more part-time practices that operate here. We share referrals, but it is not a group practice: a collective, rather.

What is a collective? Think union, think association, but without dues (we do share some costs, i.e. webstuff). Also think artist collective, in this case: the art of therapy. Referrals are not monetized, they’re shared out during our biweekly peer supervision meet-ups. Then the good healing that happens brings more people to The Arterie, and clients are so consistently well-served that we do not lack (Claudia & Sarah pass along referrals until therapists say ‘stop’). We do not market much beyond word of mouth (though we mean to, as we underuse our subscriber list); respected professional referral sources make a network of doctors, psychologists, therapists of all stripes, and others in the community with whom we look forward to making the time to converge and talk shop / best-practice.

As therapists, don’t we all craft our relations with our clients pristinely so as to HEAL other relations inside and out, past and future? The (so far) women who have worked in this house alongside me since 2017 are my teachers, mentors, friends, and fellows. Would that any of them who have worked here pre-pandemic, before The Arterie was flushed by lockdown, return? I miss those days.

Claudia and Sarah, founders & co-owner/operators of the house, have upheld peer supervision, biweekly and impromptu, house-wide, we advise and get advice. Beth too, here since the start, MD psychotherapist, by whose lunch hours you can set a clock, works with complex trauma, somatically, and is TAPPED IN. Plus there are enough other smart-hearted clinicians here that I won’t list them all—a half-dozen busy full & part-timers who also inspire me.

Contact us and we’ll show you the house.

The house enables full-time practice with the above supports (camaraderie, cross-referrals, shared amenities including a parking spot-per-consulting room), all of which are NOT contracted (i.e., supervision is optional, we’re not a group practice, referrals are not guaranteed, rather shared). Thus clinicians, of course, collect full-fee, and take full responsibility for the good management of their own private practice.

Inspired? Maybe, like me, this spot is tugging at you, like a compulsion. We’re looking for a housemate who wants to stick around & love the place where they practice and the fellows whom they practice alongside. The Arterie is well-appointed, well-cared for, and so will you be, if you join us. 

~ sarah b.